Financial Stability ● Ministry Management ● Emotional Wellness ● Community Leadership
The purpose of the Ministerial Excellence Fund (MEF) is to offer financial relief directly to PAW pastors through a grant program. Grants from this fund have been designed as an incentive for learning – meaning PAW pastors can only access MEF grant funds if they've completed the required educational programs. Making grants available for pastor's personal debt, along with providing financial education was a requirement of our funder.*
Ministerial Excellence Fund
Grants for PAW Pastors
Offers financial relief directly to pastors via grants
Must be a pastor credentialed by and in good
standing with PAW
Grant eligible after completion of required learning
Grant awards amounts will vary per pastor, but will not to exceed $10,000
Funds will be distributed directly to creditors (not pastors to avoid tax consequences)
Use limited to personal debt relief and hardships
*Note: In some cases grants may be applied to personal debt related to church building operations, but may be subject to additional approval.
*Bonus: there will be additional consideration given to applications that demonstrate a pastor involved their spouse and/or church administrator
Debt Relief
Credit cards. Mortgage. Rent.
Home repair. Car repair. Medical bills. College expenses.
Housing assistance. Disaster assistance. Sudden illness. Relocation costs.
Application ● Review ● Disbursement
Grant applications are not available at this time. The eligibility process has not yet been finalized.
Invited to apply for grants through an online application, after learning requirement is met
Substantiate need/debt with documentation
Letter of support from congregation required
Applications will be scored against a rubric used by a Grant Review Committee
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and reviewed throughout the year
Once a grant is approved PAW will directly pay creditors on pastor's behalf
*Note: Grants are not guaranteed and subject to funds being available.
Grant Matching
Every dollar we raise for the pastor grants fund will be matched dollar-for-dollar by Lilly Endowment (up to $600,000). Our goal is to maximize the match so we can bless as many PAW pastors in need as possible! If you're interested in helping us reach our goal, please consider contributing to the Ministerial Excellence Fund. Visit Donate.
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