Strong Culture
Financial Stability ● Ministry Management ● Emotional Wellness ● Community Leadership
Mobilizing the entire PAW network is important if we're going to shift the culture in support of our pastors’ growth and success in the socio-economic competencies. While Lead Well is heavily focused on direct support for pastors, it also aims to activate lateral influences (spouses, peer pastors); subordinates (congregational leaders, members); and organizational superiors (diocesan and national leadership) as a way to sustain change.
And Lead Well will not only catalyze our efforts to strengthen our members in support of pastors, but our systems too!
Interactive learning activities and events across the competencies
Improving accountability with refreshed policies, processes, protocols, plans
Recognizing our own talent as experts
Focusing on data (collection, analysis, use in decision making, strategy, marketing)
Setting clear expectations
Help Us Build!
We want to engage those who support pastors with fun learning activities based on the four focus areas. If you have some ideas, let us know here! If you'd be willing to facilitate or coordinate, let us know here!
If your thing is policies and documents and you'd like to help with our systems change effort, please let us know here if you're a subject expert; if you want to give input, write, or serve in some other administrative capacity tell us here.