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What is Lead Well?

Financial Stability Ministry Management Emotional Wellness Community Leadership​​​​

Lead Well is a new program that seeks to develop and support PAW pastors who are striving to be financially and emotionally well and effectively leading their ministries and communities.  


PAW pastors who are thriving in 21st century ministry will demonstrate these 4 socio-economic competencies, regardless of their age, scale, or stage of ministry. 


We will focus our efforts in two ways:

Increase knowledge of PAW pastors in personal and church finances, church operations and administration, emotional wellness, and strategic community engagement through learning programs

Improve practices of PAW pastors by providing direct, scaffolded supports that take them from new knowledge to improved practice - with relevant learning opportunities, hands-on transitional supports (coaches, counselors, mentors, financial planners), new resources and tools, and a debt relief grant fund​​

Direct Supports for PAW Pastors



​​​​​​​​​​Strengthening PAW Culture to Support Pastors

​​​Build the knowledge and capacity of those surrounding PAW pastors in ministry to help influence their growth in the 4 socio-emotional competencies -activating lateral influences (spouses, peer pastors); subordinates (congregational leaders, members); and organizational superiors (diocesan and national leadership)​​​


Expand how the organization serves PAW pastors and holds them accountable by improving and promoting PAW’s policies and practices that effect success of member pastors’ development of the 4 socio-economic competencies

Summary of Key Offerings

The Lead Well program is offering pastors:

Grants to help reduce their personal debt or address their financial hardships

Mini-scholarships for tools (software, books)

Personalized transitional support (counselor, coach, mentor, financial planner)

Education with a series of learning activities

An online resource hub with high-quality tools and supports

Improved PAW policies and practices to help them succeed

Mobilization of the PAW network in support of their efforts

Learn more background information at Program Design, Research & Evaluation, and the Planning & Design Process.

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